Friday, September 19, 2008

Sunny San Jose and Shamrock MA

On Saturday 13 September, I presented a seminar at the gym of legendary MMA fighter Frank Shamrock. Enjoy the photos in the slide show. The facility was perfect in every way for what we'd set out to accomplish. I played to a packed house--couldn't have fit in another person--standing room only. We had to take turns with the Turkish Get-Ups!

One of Frank's instructors, Jannsen, attended the workshop and he is in every way a gentleman. Several of the workshop trainees were also local fitness instructors and trainers and walked away with new program ideas for the classes and clients.

I'm rescheduled in San Jose November 17 for a MaxBells Instructors Certification, which is being organized even as I type this...if you're interested in attending, contact

Things got pretty exciting at the gym when tryouts for Team Shamrock got underway in the adjoining room. Brawny young lads from as far away as Texas had arrived for Frank's team tryouts. It was like stereophonic workouts. I don't know who got worked harder, the people in my seminar or those poor guys under the direction of Frank's instructors.

The manager of Shamrock MA, Ralph, is a gracious host and took care of our every need. Anybody in the San Jose area seriously interested in becoming an MMA fighter should check out this gym.

Some of the topics covered in the workshop were:

  • Kettlebells for mobility and injury-prevention
  • The notorious Maxercise Omelet
  • Proper workout construction and design
  • Double-bell complexes for power-endurance
  • and a slew of new exercises I've developed for abdominals, lower back and core
Everyone left Saturday afternoon tired...but happy. Like a nice full belly after a good meal...but different. I went back to my hotel and traineed my gf into a lather at the hotel fitness center, which was actually pretty good...for a hotel gym. A trainer's work is never done!

When I returned to Maxercise on Tuesday, I put myself through the paces with another fabulous metabolic conditioning workout hybrid. I used the Lifeline Heavy Speed Rope (green, 2.2 lbs) for 100 jumps as fast as I could get 'em. Then I immediately went to the high Pull-Up bar and performed 5 Maxercists, which consist of:

a) Deck Squat-to-Shoulder-Stand-to-Plow
b) roll back to Full Squat
c) jump back to Upward Dog
d) push hips up into Downward Dog
e) sit to Bear Squat
f) dive thru to Hover
g) push-up to Plank
h) sit back to Bear Squat
i) extend legs into Downward Dog
j) jump to Full Squat
k) leap up to a high bar
l) pull your throat over the bar
m) hold for 5-sec
n) lower s-l-o-w-l-y down
o) drop lightly to the feet and immediately begin again

That's one rep. Repeat for 5 reps. Rest 30-sec.
Repeat for 10 rounds.

I don't know which were more fatigued: my arms, legs...or breathing. A true systemic workout.

Tomorrow I present another Level 1 Kettlebell Workshop, then Sunday brings the fifth MaxBells Teacher Certification. The last one, in Iceland, was a big success and I look forward to certifying the next group of MaxBells instructors. Hopefully, I'll see you there!

Anyone who's been to my Maxbells certification knows that I give up some of my life's blood in every event. I stand by my work: no hype and no DuCane-ry!

In Strength & Health,

Coach Steve

P.s. Zach Even-Esh emailed to say the Gladiator Seminar DVD set is just about ready. As soon as I get my copy, I'll get 'em out for sale. This is my first self-produced (with Zach) DVD project and I'm really looking forward to the release. The seminar was a great time and you know you want to recreate it in your own garage!


  1. Hey Steve just dropping by to say hello. Looking forward to seeing you back in Iceland.

    Your newest blue belt on Iceland


  2. Steve,

    Good to see your bringing your knowledge and the feelings of burning lungs around the country. What do tryouts for team Maxwell look like? Those power complexs sound really interesting, have we seen these in your workouts before or are these something new? Can we get a taste of one? Good luck this fall, really looking forward to your Gladiator DVD with Evenesh coming out!
