All hype aside, the kettlebell is an extremely convenient training modality. Lately I've been doing a cycle of body weight training but with my up-and-coming kettlebell certifications it's time to dust off the ol' KBs and start working my kettlebell skills and work capacity. I break training down to two basic forms of resistance: intrinsic and extrinsic.
Intrinsic exercise means using your own body for resistance while extrinsic involves moving an external weight. Since most athletes do both, it's important to develop both skills. As I said, I consider kettlebells the most convenient form of extrinsic strength training, offering such a complete workout there's little reason to do other types of (extrinsic) weight training. (The only proviso I'd add to the above statement is occasional heavy object lifting, which teaches the invaluable skill of round-back deadlifting, my preferred objects being large stones, rocks and sandbags.)
For most people--most of the time--kettlebells offer everything you'd ever want for a functionally fit and proportioned, lean physique, plus work capacity. The past two weekends I've spent at Oceanside Harbor Beach with my bikini-clad aide de camp--who happens to be my biggest fan. This last weekend included more barefoot beach running and kayaking in the sunshine and fresh air. There's a piece of playground equipment on the beach that's perfect for Pull-Ups and as a bonus, the sand provides an especially unstable and challenging terrain for kettlebell workouts--what more can an ol' coach ask for?
I offer you this: all you need is a single kettlebell to get a fantastic workout. Their versatility never ceases to amaze me. I'm a lucky guy who doesn't engage in a nine-to-five, so I've ample time to concoct cool variations with which to torture my online clientele and seminar attendees. This weekend I performed two terrific, single kettlebell workouts and I joyfully share one with you now.
This workout, Workout "A" is designed for core conditioning and strength.
Workout "A" involves working the front thighs with one of my favorite movements, the Hack Squat, a move in which even a light kettlebell is quite demanding. I'm pretty strong in the Hack Squat, but I recommend you start out with caution, especially if you're new to this move. Even body weight Hacks are an excellent start. The Hack differs from the Hindu Squat in that it lacks momentum or bounce. In fact, the secret to doing safe Hack Squats is maintaining high-tension in the feet, calves, hamstrings, glutes and thighs for the duration--do NOT relax at the bottom, but actually attempt to press the calves hard against the hamstrings. This high-tension effort will pay off richly with rock-solid stability at the bottom, plus great conditioning in the feet, ankles and calves.
Hack squats do a real number on the front thigh, particularly at the insertion point above the knee. I suspect this is one reason why in my 45-plus years of grappling, I've suffered relatively few knee injuries in a sport rife with them. But Hacks only hit half of the equation--those all-important hamstring, glutes and lower back making up the second half--and nothing hits those quite like the kettlebell Swing. I like the alternating hammer swing, done with the thumbs up (the same way an MMA fighter or grappler grips up with an opponent). Turning the thumbs up produces great conditioning of the forearm muscles nearest the elbow and giving the kettlebell a little toss then punching the hand out when grasping the handle, provides dynamic grip strength. This is a similar action to the grip fighting used in Judo. These two movements--the Hack Squat and kettlebell Swing--hit every aspect of the lower body, making a beautifully balanced workout.
The next three moves are core intensive, offering a complete workout for the musculature of the upper torso. The first is another favorite of mine, the Crush Push-Up. It's easy to fudge this by placing the heel of the hand atop the bell, but better to grasp the sides of the bell, pushing hard with the hands for tremendous crushing action in the upper body. Another bad habit in the Crush Push-Up is failing to straighten the arms in the top position--make sure to lock out the arms with pit of elbow forward and point of elbow toward the feet--this alignment takes pressure off the shoulders and increases tension in the pecs, lats and triceps.
Notice in the video how my butt is slightly elevated--keep the sternum directly above the kettlebell, which necessitates elevating the butt slightly higher than the regular push-up plank position and creates more tension in the core.
I like to superset Crush Push-Ups with kettlebell Plank Rows. The video shows me with two kettlebells of the same size, but they are actually different weights (26kg & 17kg.) These are hollow competition kettlebells I fill with spare change and use as piggy banks. For those doing the KB Plank Row with only a single bell, post the supporting hand on a rock, curb, mound of sand, or your girlfriend's sweet butt. Ideally, the support hand is at the same height as the opposite hand on the kettlebell handle. Perform all reps with one arm first (on your non-dominant side) then switch yourself around and perform equal reps with the other arm. Minimize any twisting in the torso and keep the feet perpendicular to the ground, never turned out.
The fifth exercise is the KB Hot Potato drill. The Hot Potato is unparalleled for working the obliques and intercostal muscles. The key is to marry the elbow to the side ribs--so that the elbow and structure of the body become one, as it were. (And to you young guys, this is the only marriage I'd recommend in this world!) Like most marriages, it's a deceptive exercise, thus tougher than it might appear. I repeat: you'll feel tremendous action in the intercostals and obliques. Also, watch the mouth and teeth in this exercise--you can smash the teeth, but good, with an airborne kettlebell--so keep the mouth closed while breathing through the nose.
Perform the Crush Push-Up, KB Plank Row and Hot Potato in a circuit fashion (i.e., going from one to another without rest) for rounds. Do as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes. You'll be pleased with the results!
When I finished this workout I was bathed in sweat. My muscles were pumped and swollen with veins showing everywhere. A few kids, who were watching the whole time--and obviously entertained--inquired my age and when I told them I had 56 years, they outright disbelieved and challenged me. This is what the Maxwell training system can do for you, too: keep yourself forever young and keep 'em always guessing!
Yours in Strength & Health,
Of interest:
- I was recently interviewed by Caleb Queern for the FightWorks Podcast and you can listen here.
- You asked for it, New England, and now you've got it! I'll be at the Dynamic Strength & Conditioning Gym in Nashua NH presenting a kettlebell workshop and MaxBells Body Weight Trainer certification 12 & 13 September. Come join us! Our host, Kevin Buckley, is a great guy and between him, me and the awesome facility, you're sure to be inspired!
How many days a week do YOU train at the intensity of the 300 Workout?
First of all your blog and website are top notch.I also want to thank you for all the information that you give. I have to admitt that my biggest fascination is with your dietary style. I am bigtime into Greg Ellis ( have his books) and the low carb lifestyle of which you are a perfect example. So that's why my my question is: what's in the bowl? Lastly, any more info about your dietary style (maybe a blog) would be appreciated.
you are looking fantastic.
If I look like that at 56 I'll be happy. Sh*t, I didn't look like that at 36!
Once a week, Mone, if I'm doing a lot off BJJ, otherwise 2-3 times a week. - Steve
Thanks, Rob, I'm very happy with my web guy, Chris, and the help my lovely assistant provides so I can best share what I have to offer.
There's tri-tip in the bowl, and a red bell pepper. There's no magic diet, you have to cut through the misinformation and experiment for yourself. Greg is an excellent source of info. - Steve
Age is in the mind, Chris, you've still got plenty of time. - Steve
Steve, I got two Q regarding your diet, you said in one of your blogs that you were Vegetarian, were you able to achieve this shape then or not at all?
The other do you eat more meat/eggs after heavy exercising or it is the same everyday?
Awesome..... I have a short walk to the beach from my home and I've been planning on making August "Beach Training Month" There's a great set of 150 stairs down the cliff to the beach, and at the bottom a great pullup bar. The only thing that would make it better would be some sand, we have small rocks here so instead of being totally barefoot, I'll be wearing my Vibrams. I really hope to make it to the Philly KB weekend in October. Great blog as usual, I really look forward to your posts.
This is a great workout. I am really feeling it today!
I'm sick of diet questions. It's rare that anyone follows diet advice anyway. Most people are merely looking for someone to tell them that what they are doing is right. They will then search and search until they find some "expert" that substantiates what they are doing. Vegetarian diets are sub-optimal. My body composition improved dramatically on a low carb, high protein diet.
Sounds like a little slice of heaven. Where are you at? I think I'll come for a visit.
I'm glad that you like the workout. This one is a real 'keeper'.
So Steve, you recommend doing the 300 workout 2-3 times a week or what?
Dear Steve,
I´we been following your blog/site for some time now and you keep getting me inspired with your creativity and attitude towards health and what constitutes a good workout.
Now, I´m currently studying abroad (normally live in Sweden) and now I´m in Perth, living in a small student corridor. With the given limitations this gives on the workout possibilities, I almost found myself purchasing a gym membership. But I hesitated, knowing that if the will and imagination is good enough, I will manage.
As the avid "amateur" bodyweight practitioner I am, Your knowledge is of great use! Now, I´we got a lot of tips on excercises from your web resources, and most the pushing and lower body excercises are possible to perform in/around my small room. However, I haven´t been able to find any good pulling tools around, not a playground in sight, and the branches here are awfully cranked in the wrong directions. The doors in the flat is also a bit weak to hang on to. I´m getting abstinence in the pulling-excercises! What would you advise me to do in this case?
Sincerely, in the name of the Bodyweight / Henrik
Dear mr. Maxwell
Thank you very much for sharing this information. Reading your posts is like a breath of fres air.
King regards
Looks like a great workout. Thanks for the great blog!
That is a great workout
Steve you are the man.
keep it up good work
Been following your work since you were my team leader at the Sept 2002 RKC this has had a profound effect on my health and fitness, at 45 I'm now more physically able than I was in my 30s.
Gutted that I missed your trip to Scotland , any plans to visit the UK in the near future ?
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